I’ve helped over 100 Amazon sellers become millionaires. Are you next?

Launching and scaling products on Amazon can be hard, especially with recent advancements in AI. I know, because I’ve been selling private label on Amazon since 2016, and in 2023 my products did over $20MM in sales. I’ve turned my methodology into a full system so you can reach your seller goals, too!

Will you be our next big Inner Circle success story?

What our Inner Circle members are saying

"After being an Inner Circle member for 2 years now, I have grown the business to $3 million annually and will hopefully work my way towards $5 million this year. It wouldn't have been possible without Brandon's generosity to share your knowledge and experience."

— Josh R.

"I'm a part of other great communities, but the Inner Circle genuinely seems to be at least a year ahead with information. I spend most of my Amazon learning time on this platform!"

— Matthew S.

"We were already a reasonable sized business before we came across Inner Circle but applying their teachings has supercharged our growth and now has us on track for over $50M of profitable revenue this year. For that we are very grateful!"

— Fraser S.

Who is the Inner Circle for?

Earn extra income

If you are happy with your current career, but you would like to make some side income

Work for yourself

If you are tired of working your 9-5 job, and are looking for an opportunity to start a business of your own

Kick start

If you are doing online sales already, and want to expand onto Amazon but don't know where to start

Learn how to scale

If you are currently selling on Amazon, but want to take your business to the next level

Real results from real sellers!

At our annual CampEcom event, we award our Inner Circle members
who make over $100k, $500k, $1M+, and $5M+ in sales using our system!

Join the Inner Circle, today!

I've done it. I'm still doing it. And now you can learn my system.

It's true, with enough time and effort, you'd be able to master any big Amazon sellers strategies without learning directly from them.

But time is money.

I have spent over $3M on Amazon PPC ads. I've launched over 1,000 products on Amazon. And I still actively launch and optimize products today.

Do you want to do that on your own to learn the best strategies, or do you want to take my playbook and apply it to your products?

The fact is, there is room for us all to have massive success selling products on Amazon. Let's win, together!

Join the Inner Circle, today!

Included in the Inner Circle Membership:

Private Label Mastery Course

Private Label mastery course teaching you how to find and launch products successfully

Weekly AMA

Weekly office hours calls where you can ask Brandon anything

Regular Updates

A regular schedule of special calls, including guest speakers, the latest strategies, and important industry changes

Private Facebook Group

The Inner Circle private Facebook group, a community of engaged sellers to connect and collaborate

Mini Mastermind

Access to join a mini-mastermind group of like-minded people to accelerate your journey

Exclusive Rates

Exclusive member-only subscription rates for Data Dive software

Live Calls

The option to join all calls live

Free Masterclasses

Free access to all public masterclasses

Member Discounts

Exclusive member discounts form trusted suppliers and vendors

Essential Resources

Business critical SOPs, templates and other essential resources

What's Inside

With this advanced Amazon Private Label System, you will get:

• Brandon's Complete Seller System
• 200+ hours of content
• 25 Masterclasses
• 100+ Special Calls

👇 What You'll Learn 👇

Join the Inner Circle, today!
The Amazon algorithms and marketplace are constantly shifting. That’s why we’re committed to keeping our content fresh, relevant, and helping you keep pace to maximize product sales.
Worthwhile e-commerce content can't be stale.

Inner Circle members are saying...

“I’ve been an Amazon seller since 2018. The Inner Circle offers the unique privilege of being part of a community with a multitude of brilliant minds, a place where I've always felt comfortable asking questions and seeking guidance. Thank you, Brandon and your amazing team!”

— Catherine L.

“Brandon is a respected and level-headed voice, passionate about sharing his knowledge with Inner Circle members - all without ego. This feeds down as the binding culture through the Inner Circle community. There is no spin - lots of integrity!”

— Rose F.

“As a previously wholesale seller, the Inner Circle presented the reality that the future of e-commerce lies in brand-building and audience creation. Seller Systems pivoted the trajectory of my business toward sustainable growth.”

— Neil D.

Brandon and Jennifer

Let me show you how...

Let me show you how I build my own incredibly profitable 8 figure private-label Amazon business by maximizing the opportunity and reducing risk.

If you are thinking why should I even think of 'learning something new' doing a business that puts my capital to risk, tests my patience with challenging steps, and takes a while to generate steady results. Then your worries are pretty genuine. 3 years ago, I was in the same shoes.

But now I confidently teach that a profitable income through an Amazon private-label business is very straight forward to achieve. I admit, hands down, like any other Amazon business owner, that product research and marketing (launching) is by far the hardest and most testing part of running such an endeavour. And if I had somebody to show me at that time how to find profitable products that I could consistently and predictable bank on, I would have had an elephant's load off my shoulders.

Our perceptions are shaped through our experiences. There are lots of people atempting to learn Amazon private label on their own, for free, with old and out dated YouTube videos, and giving up in the process. Now they are ready to tell others how this business was the worst decision they ever made. To be honest, if you do not have your processes for product research and launch sorted out, your risk is much higher. Don't worry, I'm here to save you to save you you from making those same mistakes that I and many others make when learning this business.  

If you have questions, we have answers.

Book a call with one of our friendly advisors by clicking the booking link.

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